Net Zero

Our Net Zero climate pledge

With its near and long term CO2 targets for all scopes validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a partnership of CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute, and WWF, Holcim is one of the first corporations globally to set the standard for CO2 reduction. SBTi works to develop methodologies and tools to support companies in setting and achieving CO2 targets.

Our commitments are:

  • To set ourselves ambitious near term and long term climate targets that are validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • To accelerate our CO2 reduction intensity to exceed 20% until 2030 (compared to our 2018 baseline)
  • To partner with SBTi beyond 2030 and establishing the first climate targets for a 1.5°C future in the cement sector
  • To commit to long-term targets for the full scope of our emissions by 2050 and match a 90% reduction target for Scope 3 emissions with our net zero target for Scope 1+2 emissions.





Carbon emissions

In line with the Holcim Group targets of having net zero-emission in our operations, Bamburi Cement has made great strides in reducing its carbon footprint.

Within the country, Bamburi Cement is the only cement company that has started the carbon footprint tracking for the cement production and therefore putting in place initiatives that reduce the carbon footprint.

Improving our Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) continues to be part of our drive towards our Net Zero ambitions.

Quarry rehabilitation

Lafarge Eco Systems (LES), the environmental arm of Bamburi Cement, is responsible for quarry rehabilitation, ecosystems development and management, conservation education, and community sensitization on matters of conservation and environmental sustainability. LES also manages Bamburi Cement’s reserve lands, forest plantations, and housing estates.

In 2021 nine hectares of former quarry land were rehabilitated and hundreds of trees were planted.

LES also undertook multiple projects with communities and local agencies in wildlife rescue, and conducted education and awareness in human-wildlife conflicts.