Dr. Helen Gichohi

OGW, MBS, PhD Zoology, MSc Bio of Conservation, BEd - Independent Non-Executive Director

Helen is currently the Conservation Ambassador for Africa for Fauna and Flora International. From December 2012 to January 2017 she served as Equity Group Foundation’s Managing Director. Prior to that, she led the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) for 11 years having joined AWF as its first Director of the Heartlands Program in 2001 and rising to become the Vice President for Programs in 2002 and AWFs first President in 2007. Helen has worked at the Wildlife Conservation Society and African Conservation Centre, where she was the Managing Director.

She is a recipient of several awards including the Charlotte Wyman Trust’s Women in Conservation Program and the Giai Environmental Award for 2012 at the WIFTs Foundation International Visionary Awards.

She is a fellow of the Aspen Institute’s Energy and Environment Program and a McCluskey Fellow of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

She previously served on the boards of Equity Bank Kenya Ltd and the Kenya Wildlife Service. Her current board positions include Equity Group Holdings Ltd, Ol Pejeta Conservancy and the African Wildlife Foundation.

Helen serves on the Nomination, Remuneration & HR Committee.

She was appointed to the Board on 9 March 2017.